

標題:What is Hepatitis B?


▎What is Hepatitis B?

In the vast majority of cases chronic hepatitis often displays no symptoms in the early stages. Carriers with hepatitis B can develop severe problems, including chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and even liver cancer.

To ensure a healthy liver observe the following:

•Testing-Visit a medical facility to test if you are infected with hepatitis B or a carrier

•Tracking-Regular follow ups

•Treatment-If you have already developed chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis agree to proactive treatment proposed by a doctor

How to prevent hepatitis B

•Do not share toothbrushes, towels or razors

•Avoid unnecessary injections and blood transfusions

•Avoid unsafe sexual behavior

※In Taiwan the right to work of hepatitis B carriers is protected by law. It is illegal for employers to ask foreign workers to get tested for hepatitis B or provide the results of a test showing hepatitis B antibodies.