若工作性質特殊,經中央主管機關(如勞動部)批准並公告,允許在特定情況下調整休息時間,但不得少於連續 8 小時。
▍Did you have a good rest?
Foreign workers under the Labor Standards Act cannot work for more than 4 hours consecutively in one day
Work time 4hrs → Rest time Minimum of 30 mins → Work time 4hrs → Rest time Minimum of 30 mins
Shift work Must be a minimum of 11 hours between shifts
Work time → Forbidden to work during rest time 11hrs →Next shift work time
If the work has special requirements, as long as it is approved by the central competent authority (such as the Ministry of Labor) and publicly announced, rest time can be adjusted under certain circumstances, but still cannot be less than 8 continuous hours.
Family-based foreign workers work time is determined by the labor contract signed by both parties, but there must be a minimum of 8 hours rest time
Work time → Rest time Minimum of 8 hours → Next shift work time
If your related rights are harmed call the 1955 Hotline for a consultationor to file a complaint.
▍Apakah Anda MendapatIstrihat yang Cukup?
Pekerja Migran yang tunduk pada UU Standar Ketenagakerjaan waktu kerja dalam satu hari tidak boleh selama 4 jam berturut-turut
Waktu kerja 4 jam → Waktu istirahat Setidaknya 30 menit → Waktu kerja 4 jam → Waktu istirahat Setidaknya 30 menit
Kerja shift pergantian shift setidaknya memerlukan jeda waktu 11 jam
Waktu kerja → Waktu istirahat,dilarang bekerja 11 jam → Waktu kerja shiftberikutnya
Apabila pekerjaan bersifat khusus, melalui persetujuan yang pengumuman oleh otoritas pusat yang berwenang (seperti Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan), dalam keadaan tertentu, waktu istirahat diperbolehkan disesuaikan, tetapi tidak boleh kurang dari 8 jam berturut-turut.
Pekerja migran sektor rumah tangga harus berdasarkan ketentuan dalam perjanjian kontrak kerja, tetapi harus memiliki waktu istirahat setidaknya 8 jam lebih setiap hari
Waktu kerja → Waktu istirahat Di atas 8 jam → Waktu kerja shiftberikutnya
Jika memiliki pertanyaan terkait,dapat menghubungi hotline 1955 untuk konsultasi atau pengaduan
▍Bạn có thật sự đang nghỉ ngơi?
Người lao động nhập cư được áp dụng Luật Tiêu chuẩn Lao động không được làm việc quá 4 giờ liên tục trong một ngày.
Thời gian làm việc 4 giờ → Thời gian nghỉ ngơi Ít nhất 30 phút → Thời gian làm việc 4 giờ → Thời gian nghỉ ngơi Ít nhất 30 phút
Làm việc theo ca khi thay ca, ít nhất cần phải cách 11 giờ
Thời gian làm việc → Thời gian nghỉ ngơi,cấm làm việc 11 giờ → Thời gian làm việc ca tiếp theo
Trường hợp tính chất công việc đặc biệt, được cơ quan có thẩm quyền Trung ương (như Bộ Lao động) chấp thuận và công bố, thời gian nghỉ ngơi được phép điều chỉnh tùy theo hoàn cảnh cụ thể nhưng không được ít hơn 8 giờ liên tục.
Lao động làm việc tại gia đình phải căn cứ vào hợp đồng lao động, nhưng mỗi ngày phải có ít nhất 8 giờ nghỉ ngơi
Thời gian làm việc → Thời gian nghỉ ngơi 8 giờ trở lên → Thời gian làm việc tiếp theo
Nếu quyền lợi liên quan bị tổn hại,có thể gọi tới đường dây nóng 1955 để được tư vấn hoặc khiếu nại.
แรงงานต่างชาติที่ได้รับการคุ้มครองจาก กม.มาตรฐานแรงงานแต่ละวันห้ามทำงานติดต่อกันเกิน 4 ชม.
เวลาทำงาน 4 ชม. → เวลาพักอย่างน้อย 30 นาที → เวลาทำงาน 4 ชม. → เวลาพักอย่างน้อย 30 นาที
เวลาทำงาน → เวลาพักและห้ามทำงาน 11 ชม. → เวลาทำงานในกะถัดไป
กรณีลักษณะงานมีความพิเศษ หลังได้รับอนุญาตและมีการประกาศโดยกระทรวงแรงงานแล้ว อนุญาตให้พิจารณาปรับเวลาพักผ่อนตามสถานการณ์ได้ แต่ห้ามต่ำกว่า 8 ชม.ติดต่อกัน
แรงงานต่างชาติที่ทำงานในครัวเรือน เป็นไปตามสัญญาจ้างงาน แต่ในแต่ละวันต้องมีเวลาพักผ่อนอย่างน้อย8ชม.ขึ้นไป
เวลาทำงาน → เวลาพัก8 ชม.ขึ้นไป → เวลาทำงานในกะถัดไป
หากไม่ได้รับสิทธิประโยชน์ในการทำงานสามารถโทรสอบถามหรือร้องเรียนได้ที่สายด่วน 1955