
Pay attention to whether they develop a fever, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, persistent chest pain, chest tightness, confusion and the discoloration of skin, lips or nail beds etc. If a foreign worker develops related symptoms he or she should immediately contact medical or nursing staff at a government quarantine center or hospital.

  • Release date :2021/08/11
  • Update date :2021/08/12

If a foreign worker has a positive COVID-19 rapid test the workers who live in the same room should be instructed to remain in the room until the worker who tested positive receives the results of a PCR test.

  • Release date :2021/08/11
  • Update date :2021/08/12

If a foreign worker has a positive PCR test the workers who live in the same room are designated close contacts and the employer should quarantine them in one-person-per-room accommodation.

  • Release date :2021/08/11
  • Update date :2021/08/12